Sunday, May 2, 2010


Longer and much more detailed post to come... but I finished!!! And I'm happy!  I beat my goal time (4:30) and I finished a marathon!
(yeah, you wouldn't look pretty after running 26.2 miles either!)
I finished!!!! Official time: 4:28:58!  Goal 1 was to finish.  Goal 2 was to finish under 4:30.  Wahooo!!!
Bed for me, much longer post to come!!!!!!

Also wanted to thank my support team.  My hubby Dave ran the first 7 with me, through 4-5 hills, my older brother Mike ran 7-17 with me, Dave ran 17-20 with me and Mikey and Adrienne ran the final 6 + with me! In addition, my bff Courtney and my mom and her boyfriend Joe (the photographer) cheered me on at several different places on the course!  IT was amazing to have so much support!!!