But before I discuss all that, let's chat about the baby!
Since I don't write a lot about what's going on with our baby on this blog, you may not know that we are doing a turtle theme for our little guy's room. But, maybe you did know that if you follow me on Pinterest. By the way, follow me here!
One of the first things I found was this bedding and I was hooked! Unfortunately it was a Carter's bedding set that was discontinued. So once I found it online somewhere, I acted quick and ordered as much as I could. Which included the bedding- sheets, bumpers (ya I know I know), the rug, the lamp, the mobile. Yep, I went a little turtle crazy.
I pretty much fell in love with all things turtles and trees. My friend Meg has been painting a mural in our nursery and I can't wait to show it all off to you guys... SOON.
Back to my Shower. Obviously my invitations had to have a turtle theme too! My friend Stephanie actually found these invites on Etsy. I wasn't totally in love at first but they grew on me and the turtle was just too cute for words...

(PS, click that link to Steph's blog. She recently bought a new house and she's been blogging about how she's decorating it. She is having a boy any day now so you can check out her nursery too!)
My mom and I were trying to think of cute centerpiece ideas to go with the theme. We decided we wanted to do flowers and have some sort of turtle theme with it. I ordered these, only they somehow got sent back to the sender and I didn't get them in time : (
Random tangent...every year on the first day of spring my company gives every employee a small pot of tulips or some other seasonal flower. Look how beautiful!
We really lucked out because my mom was having trouble finding flowers in small pots... and my company was generous and let me have ten of these guys! So I decorated them with turtle stickers and balloons and they were perfect centerpieces.
In addition, my mom added to the turtle theme with turtle outfits hung on clothes pins along the wall...
And Stephanie made me a Turtle Diaper Cake : )
My mother-in-law brought the most delicious cake from a bakery on the North Shore.
And most of my friends enjoyed delicious Mimosa's.
The food was great too.... typical brunch food of eggs, bacon, waffles, and fruit.
And pretty soon, it was time to open gifts. Let's just say... there were a lot of gifts. But Dave ripped through them pretty quickly.
My best friend Courtney was a trooper... she shuffled the gifts around and organized everything perfectly. She also gave us the cutest gift.
She got us this cute Baby Colanto crate with all the feeding tools needed for the next few years : )
It was a great night with wonderful friends and family. And I can't thank my mom and mother-in-law enough for throwing me such a wonderful shower!