When I got into work, I weighed myself for Biggest Loser and didn't drop a pound. BOO. 133 really likes me I guess. : ( And then I had my Oatmeal. I worked straight until 12:30 with a client and then quickly changed in the lockerroom and decided to run outside. It was gorgeous out so I figured why not? I ran from work to Memorial Drive to the Mass Ave Bridge to Storrow Drive across at Clarendon and then up Beacon to Downtown Crossing and back. It was 5 miles and it felt great!!!
Date | 3 /6/2009 |
Route | Work Around the Charles and Back |
Distance | 5.00 mi |
Time | 45:00 |
Pace | 09:00/mile |
When I got back I showered and ate lunch. I ate the same thing I ate on Tuesday and Wednesday- here's a picture of what it looked like after I melted the cheese- yummy!
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