Saturday night, we went out to dinner with Dave's family at a place called The Village on the north shore in Essex. It's good seafood, but definitely not a ton of healthy options. I ended up getting the Sole stuffed with Crab Meat. It was really delicious but most definitely not good for me. On Sunday, I planned on running an easy 6, but the snow prevented me from leaving my house. So instead, Dave and I were the biggest wastes of spaces ever. We did absolutely nothing. And by nothing, I mean we didn't even change out of our pajamas all day. I was supposed to go to USA Track and Field Nationals at Reggie Lewis Center, but no one wanted to drive in the bad weather. Around 5:30pm, I finally left my bed and Courtney came over. For those of you who don't know, Courtney is my B.F.F. You know, best friend forever. haha. Court came over and I began cooking dinner. I made my famous crab seafood stuffing soup again and Courtney raved it was the best thing I've ever cooked for her! It really is delicious. Courtney and Dave were craving pasta and although it's one of my least favorite things to make, I cooked it for them. I made the spiral pasta with a tomato cream sauce, spinach and shredded chicken. After everything was assembled, I shredded some fresh Parmesan and mozzarella cheese and threw it in the oven for five minutes to melt the cheese. We also had a side salad. It was a perfect way to end a snowy day!
I think she liked it!!!
We woke up Monday to a mess of a day. About 8-10 inches were on the ground and it was still coming down pretty hard. We decided to wait until 8:40ish to plow out the driveway and then I took the 9:30 train into work. For breakfast, I made an egg-white omelet with Mexican light cheese and spinach topped with some coffee and a piece of whole wheat toast. I also had DanActive Yougart drink. (sorry I took a bite or two...)
I made a huge lunch for the week, but left it at home. booo. So, I ran downstairs to Cosi around 12:30 and got the Tomato Soup with Wheat Bread. It is the best soup in the world, but I know its not good for me. I'm actually scared to look up the calories!!! The day went by pretty fast and I worked pretty quickly on the four videos I needed to finish. I took the express train home and Dave picked me up. We went to the Natick Mall to meet up with my brother and his wife Natalia, for Natalia's birthday. We ate at Cheesecake. I got Tuna tar tar salad with Avocado and Tomato. It was really delicious. We got home late- 10pm and went straight to bed. Sorry no pictures!
This morning we woke up with plenty of time to make my express train at 7:40 AM. I got into work at about 8:30AM and have eaten my oatmeal and my yogart drink. And I'm drinking tons of water. That's it for now. In an hour, I'm going to run at the gym- hoping to get in 6 miles since I didn't get a chance to run the last two days.
I ended up running 5. I was feeling great, but I didn't have enough time. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to wake up early and run a lot.
Date | 3 /3/2009 |
Route | Treadmill |
Distance | 5.00 mi |
Time | 40:50 |
Pace | 08:10/mile |
Tonight, I got home and cooked tons. I made Orangy Maple Pork Tenderloin, Asparagus and Squash. It was delicious. Here's what I did.
I seared 1lb Pork Tenderloin in a hot skillet. When all four sides were lightly browned, I added 1/4 cup of Dark Amber Maple Sryap, 1/4 Cup of Orange Juice, 1 Tablespoon of Dijon Mustard, 1 Tablespoon of Grainy Mustard and a tiny half spoonful of Thai Red Curry Paste. After about 7 minutes, I put the pan in the oven on 375 to cook through for another 15 minutes. This is how it turned out:
While I was cooking, I decided to make my favorite dip as well. i had to make it before my avocado went bad! All you do is dice an avocado, two tomatoes and half a red onion, add tons of salt and pepper and lots of lime juice and ta-da, you have one tasty dip that can be eaten with chips or with a protein. Yum! I'm thinking I am going to make Chili tomorrow night so it will be a nice topping. Here's what it looked like!

Okay, I am off to bed, lets hope I can wake up tomorrow morning for the gym! (5AM!)
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