Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mommy 'Vice: Blog's a Changin'

So I've been thinking a lot about this blog and how I want to move forward with it.  I've been a little lost and haven't been posting as much.  Mainly because although Dave and I eat home-cooked meals every night, they are nothing glamourous or worthy of a food post.  Often times our meals are made while I'm wearing Dylan in the Baby K'tan or while Dyl watches on sitting in the Rock N Play Sleeper.

Meaning I have very limited time to get dinner on the table.  So our go-to meals have been proteins we can grill quickly- steak, chicken, burgers or fish that can cook fast in the oven.  I always have salad made and usually some sort of side.  Bulgur Wheat has been my grain of choice lately. We've still been eating fairly well, but I haven't figured out how and what to blog about when it comes to food.  I don't want to show you guys something that isn't special but I do know I want to continue my Quick Fix Meals Series (QFM) so hopefully I'll post more meals in the future.

On the running side of things, I have been running.  Not with any regularity, but I've been getting out there and I've really been enjoying it.  Mainly because I'm not putting any pressure on myself.  I really have no desire to train for a marathon or run any races.  I just want to get out there and enjoy the outside and run.  So what does that mean? It means although I've been running, it's been more of a walk-run.  I run when I feel like running and walk a few minutes every mile. My favorite running spots always include trails.  Lately I've been running at Wellesley College- around Lake Waban.

So I'll be posting here about runs I go on now and again but mainly I'll show you collages of my scenery rather than my mile splits.  Running fast and far just isn't high on my priority list anymore.
So that brings us to the title of this post.  I've been totally inspired by Cup of Jo Blogger Joanna Goddard.  If you don't read her blog, you should.  Her posts are motivational and come from the heart.  She writes a post weekly called Motherhood Mondays and I absolutely adore it.  She writes about everything from breastfeeding to how women balance work and motherhood to best maternity outfits to bedtime routines and everything in between.  She provides personal stories without revealing too much {meaning she doesn't overshare private details} and her words have such strong meaning behind them. You can tell how passionate she is about what she writes. Without copying her ideas I wanted to do something similar on this blog.  It's really hard for me to just focus on food and running when I have this little guy who has become such a huge part of my everyday life.  And to just throw in a couple pictures of him or a monthly post about him here and there doesn't seem right either.

So I've been thinking about this and I want to add a new series to this blog called Mommy 'Vice.  Short for Mommy Advice, clearly.  I want to write about some of my own experiences with motherhood.  I want to blog about short little stories or advice on baby gear.  I want to feature friends outside the blog world who have provided me with tons of insight on being a Mommy. I want to tell you about the meals I create when I have 20 minutes or less. I think creating a feature like this will help me feel better about blogging. Because lately I've been out of sorts with the whole thing... and I want to love blogging again and I feel like this might help.

Plus who doesn't want to see pictures of my little man?

(thanks Becky for my adorable Under Armour shirt!)

So what do you think?


  1. Sounds like a good plan! As someone who loves cooking and definitely wants to have kids one day, I would love to see your tips for quick meals and for finding time to cook (and exercise) when you have a baby. Other baby/motherhood related posts are definitely also of interest to me!

  2. I like it! It is NOT easy to be a blogging mom...especially because one of my major goals is to not walk around with my nose buried in my smart phone or the computer and actually look at my daughter. Electronics are SO addictive and I saw a mom literally on her smart phone while pushing her daughter on the swing. The little girl was giggling and laughing and the girl didn't look up once! The best way I have found is to get her involved in both the cooking and taking the pictures with me and make a point of sitting down to dinner together.
    Your little man is SOOO cute!!!

  3. I like it! Looking forward to the new content :) (Ithough I Love the old stuff too!)

  4. Sounds like a great idea! Your life has changed so drastically, it only makes sense that your blog will change with it :)

  5. Cute! It's really hard not to include mommy stuff on the blog since it's your world now. I struggled with finding balance too in the beginning, but now I just write whatever I feel like and I'm much happier.

  6. What a cute baby! You're a mom, embrace it :)

  7. Really awesome pics and your baby is too stinkin cute! My first time here love your blog :) thanks for sharing!
