So on Thursday (yes last Thursday- I am late on this post because my camera died)- I started the morning off with a fast 7 miles.
4 /30/2009
7.00 mi
Then for breakfast I had oats with Peanut Butter. And for lunch I had- can you guess? A wrap with Turkey, Cheese and Spinach.
Our department had a screening and my co-worker Jenn brought me some leftover food.
I only ate the Pasta Salad and the fruit on this plate. Then around 6, we left for the MSPCC event. MSPCC stands for Massachusetts society for prevention of cruelty to children and I worked on two videos that were being shown at this event. Our president at my company is a Co-Chair. I love working on projects like this one! It hits home, its emotional and its a great non-profit. The dinner was really interesting and tasty. Here's a picture:
It was salmon, and pork with what I think was bacon wrapped around it with potatoes and carrots. And for dessert (I only ate a couple bites of this) we had ice cream in this bowl thingie with a fruit sauce.
Then we got home to watch the double overtime loss of the Celtics game. That was tough!
Lunch = Wrap with Chicken, Turkey, Cheese & Spinach, Fruit Salad and 1/2 of Cottage Cheese.
Dinner= Steak marinated in teryiaki and sesame seeds, asparagus and collard greens and salad.
Also added a big scoop of the avocado dip. And wine. Savignon Blanc. Yum. Need bed and need to run tomorrow. Long long day coming up tomorrow. Nite!
Started off Monday morning by waking up at 4:45 am and driving to Boston to work out. I got to the gym by 6 and ran 5.5 miles pretty slow. My stomach wasn't quite right and I was pretty lucky to get through 5+. Here are my stats.
4 /27/2009
5.50 mi
When I got into work (at 7:30- I had lots to do), I ate this Raw Bar. It was okay. It wasw also pretty fattening. I worked on a few different projects and then around 1, I breaked for lunch. I had a Josephs Whole Wheat Wrap with spinach, grilled chicken, turkey and cheese. I melted the cheese too. Yum, cooked food... I've missed you..
My afternoon snack included more water and a small cottage cheese.
I worked until past 8 pm, so my second snack with this fruit cup. This was all from Natalia's Bridal Shower.
When I got home around 9, I had some of the "party salad" my mom made with grilled chicken that Dave had cooked on the grill. In the salad there was potatoes, hearts of palm, walnuts, apples, asparagus and lots of love : )
I didn't go to the gym this morning and I might have had a half a bagel before I left for work. Those bagels are now all gone (thanks mainly to me) so hopefully my bagel obsession will subside soon. Around 11 at work, I ate some oats. I microwaved a cup of oats with water and then mixed in some strawberries and blackberries. I also added some sugar because it was very bland. At 1 ish, my co-worker Jill and I went to the Kebab House to grab salads. They have an awesome salad bar. Anything you want for $5.75. Can't beat that in the city! I got mixed greens with tomatoes, roasted red peppers, cucumbers, pepperoncinis, golden raisins, cranberries, almonds. sunflower seeds, feta cheese and chicken. Also had a side of pita bread.
Work wasn't too bad and I got out of work on time. When we got home, I immediately started cooking. Tonight the dinner menu was Peppered Pork Tenderloin with sauteed asparagus, collard greens and mushrooms. I also made my favorite avocado dip. I dipped endive in while I cooked. Yummy appetizer!
I also made a pretty good looking salad. Dave goes through salad like its his job so I always have salad ready. I put it in a big Pyrex bowl and it usually last three days. This salad had tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, carrots and cheese. I didn't have any salad tonight because I had so much for lunch.
While I cooked the Pork Tenderloin (375 degrees, 30 minutes), I satued the asparagus with EVOO, Lemon Juice and S&P. I also added the collard greens and mushrooms to the pan to soften. And here is my plate! Dinner was very tasty. We are watching the Celtics now and then I am headed to bed! Hopefully I will be able to get to the gym tomorrow morning!
xoxo Lizzy Girl! Happy Almost Hump Day! Let's go Celts!
Raw food Thursday consisted of an early morning run of 6 miles in 50 minutes and then a Donut Hole and Grapes.
For lunch, more lettuce wraps and then for dinner, guess what- more lettuce wraps.
After I finished lettuce with more lettuce while Dave ate a burrito,
I got a text from Gretchensaying that she had given up and was going out for sushi... so I had thought I had enough too. Friday was an insanely busy day. I started the morning with a bage; and veggie cream cheese. For lunch, I had a piece of veggie pizza from the food court at the pru and then for dinner, Dave and I went to Ken's Steak House and I got haddock with tomato, feta and spinach with mashed potatoes and butternut squash. It was pretty tasty.
Saturday, I woke up for the Group Run. We ran around the Waban and we ran for 55 minutes. Probably around 6.5-7 miles. For breakfast, I made Dave and I omelets in whole wheat wraps. I put mushrooms, spinach and lots of cheese. Yum! Lunch was more leftovers from the night before. Around 2, we left to pick up our wedding album and then head to our friends Mark and Erin to hang out and visit. Erin made delicious grilled chicken and we made sandwiches with the chicken, munster cheese, spinach and bread. So tasty! I was lazy this weekend taking pictures. Check out their kids enjoying the food! Super cute!
This morning, my mom and I threw my sister-in-law a bridal shower. The spread was pretty tasty and I ate so much of the food.
We made three quiches, we had a smoked salmon platter with tomatoes, onions, capers and eggs, a fruit platter, lots of bagels and cream cheese, a 'party' salad as my mom likes to call it, mimosas and lots of coffee! Now I'm getting ready for bed. Going to be an insanely busy week. I think I am going to drive in tomorrow so I can hit the gym by 5:30AM and still get to work by 7:30-8ish to get everything done!
Well, today was Raw Week, Day 2. I set my alarm to go to the gym, but that didn't happen. Last night, I had soaked my raw oats Gretchen had brought in for me so this morning I was ready to try them out. I followed a recipe that Ani had wrote, but I thought they were Oat Groats so I put them in the food processor, along with dates, dried apples, cinnamon and vanilla. Then I tried it out with my coffee. It was honestly terrible. I had probably three bites and two sips of the coffee. Gross!!
When I got into work, I knew I was going to be INSANELY busy! I was starving though, so I enjoyed a donut hole with a small Iced Coffee from DD. That got me fiercely moving this morning! Around 12, I had this pure bar. I ate about 3/4 of it. This bar was REALLY tasty. It reminded me of Powerbars that I used to live on in my track days.
At 1:15, Gretchen and I brought out our feast from the fridge. We ate pretty much the same thing as yesterday. Gretchen made some "brawnies." I am not a sweets person so I did without! I ate three 'wraps.' One with collard leaves and two with Romaine. Then I also had a stuffed endive. This 'wrap' had the garden pate with various vegetables, guacamole, and the same dressing as yesterday.
Here is my bite of endive and my romaine lettuce wrap.
Around 5, I found these nuts in the kitchen. They must have been left over from a meeting. Don't worry, I didn't eat the chocolate. I ate about half of these nuts. I worked until 7 pm, and then I took the train home. Then for dinner, guess what I had? More Lettuce! I made more guacomole and then filled my wrap with Garden Pate, various vegetables, guac and a dressing of oregano, EVOO, Apple Cider Vinegar and Mustard. Oh, I am just thinking that mustard probably isn't raw! Oh no!!!
I also made a side salad of spinach and mushrooms with raw goat cheese and dressing.
I have to be honest, I don't hate raw week. I go to bed feeling pretty satisfied with food, BUT my stomach has not felt that much better. I still get the pains in the afternoon. Not sure if this diet is working but I'm going to keep trying it out! Now I'm in bed and I AM DEFINITELY waking up for the gym tomorrow!!! Night everyone!
When I got in this morning, I immediately filled up my new water bottle (isn't it pretty??) I had brought in a HUGE Envirosax filled with all sorts of fruits, veggies and "mixtures" for lunches for the week. I also brought a big container of Raw Donut Holes for breakfast and snacks. For breakfast, I grabbed two 'donut holes' from the fridge. It was very tasty. Around 10:30, I cracked open my first Lara Bar! This flavor was Cocoa Mole and you could certainly taste the spices! It was good, not great, but good. It was VERY spicy though. I liked it better the more bites I took. I only ate half before the gym. At 12, I went to the gym. I was going to do boot camp but last second, I decided to run. I ran three miles FAST. I started at 7.0 and went up to 8.5 and finished 3.0 miles in 24:50.
4 /21/2009
3.00 mi
When I got back to work, it was time for our lunch spread!!! I called Gretchen and we both got several of our tupperware out of the fridge to start the the feast.
We had Romaine Lettuce, Collard Greens, Endive and Radichio to make wraps along with various vegetables- golden beets, red and yellow peppers, guacamole and three dishes from Ani's recipes. I had made the Taco 'Meat' and the Broccoli Mash and Gretchen made the Garden Pate. I also brought a dressing made of EVOO, Balsamic Vinegar and Mustard. I also shredded some Raw Goat Cheese on top of the Broccoli and Meat Mixture. I started off having a romaine lettuce wrap with all the fillings, and then I had a collard green wrap, some 'taco meat' on an endive and a little bit of the radicchio with the mixtures. Here are the pictures!
I couldn't exactly get this one to wrap!
And for dessert, another 'donut hole.' Around 4:30, I finished the rest of the Lara Bar.
For dinner, I made the Garden Pate that Gretchen made for lunch. My version was a little too ginger-y and garlic-y. I think I'm still tasting it!!! My raisins also didn't seem to want to mix in the food processor so a lot of them ended up whole. But it was still quite tasty! I put the mixture on Romaine Lettuce and rolled it up with celery, carrots, cucumber and avocado. I also added a dressing on top of EVOO, Cider Vinegar, Oregano and Mustard. On the side, I had a spinach and mushroom salad!
I also shredded some Raw Goat Cheese on top for extra flavor. This was feeling, but I did have seconds. I ended up having one more wrap with more avocado, yum! Then I cleaned the dishes and headed up to bed where I am currently blogging while watching Biggest Loser.
Overall, I feel pretty good and today wasn't too difficult and I don't feel like I miss the meat. My stomach still hurt today however so I am hoping tomorrow I will feel even better! I'm going to bed soon, I have a busy day tomorrow and I want to run before work. Hopefully I will get up when that alarm goes off! Nitey nite!