At 12, I headed to the gym for my Boot Camp class. This class in intense!! Here is the routine:
• 5 laps around the room running
• 2 laps of high knees
• 2 laps of butt kicks
• 2 laps of walking lunges
• 2 laps of kicking your leg to your opposite hand as high as you can
• 2 laps of side shuffles
1 minute of Jump Roping
then stretching.. that's just the warmup!!!
And here is the circuit:
• 1 minute Jump Roping
• 1 minute squats
• 1 minute lunges (front- both sides)
• 1 minute pushups
• 1 minute crunches
• 1 minute side planks (both sides)
1 minute break
Then we do this all over again with the addition of side lunges, front planks and mountain climbers. This circuit usually takes place 4-5 times in 45 minutes. I will be sore tomorrow!!!
For lunch, I had a basic salad of Romaine and Collard Greens, Tomatoes and Cheddar Cheese. I also made a dressing of Red Wine Vinegar, EVOO, Oregano and Mustard. I also ate some Raspberries. For a snack later in the day, I had a half of a Luna Bar, Macadamia Nut flavor!
For dinner, I made Oven Baked Chicken. I bought Bone-In Chicken Breasts with the skin still on. I usually never buy this kind of chicken but it was on sale so I figured why not. I seasoned underneath the chicken skin with spicy mustard, salt and pepper, and paprika. Then I seared the chicken in a hot pan with EVOO. I cooked this for about 5 minutes on each side then transferred to an oven-proof pan and baked at 375 for 30 minutes. I served this with more corn on the cob and my avocado dip.
And then for dessert... I was BAD! I've had such a sweet tooth lately! I defrosted some of my birthday cookie cake and had a piece. See you can still see the y. Actually it looks like a z, I think. Yum!
Tomorrow morning I am driving into work because I am picking up my grandparents after work who are coming in for Mikey's wedding!!! Nighty Night!!!
YOUR avocado dip? Give credit where it's due Lizzy!