I woke up this morning ready to run but the weather was terrible! At 5am, it was pouring and thundering and lightening! But when I started driving into the city, the weather got better, and by race time, it was HOT! Like 75 degrees HOT. For breakfast, I had a cup of coffee, half a Lara Bar and Toast with Smart Butter.
I ran the race with my roommate from college Lindsay. We ran track together in college and she's a distance runner, I was much more of a sprinter though. She just ran a marathon a couple weeks ago so I was excited to have her pace me. The race started off really fast. There was so many people that it was hard to get our pace going. Stats:
Mile 1: 8:27
*This felt pretty good, not too fast, not too slow... wish we stayed consistent!
Mile 2: 7:10
*This was so dumb because I think it ended up KILLING us!
Mile 3: 8:48
Mile 4:8:44
Mile 5: 8:44
Mile 6: 8:48
*We stayed consistent for the next four miles even if it was really hard and totally not enjoyable. I felt like we were both just hanging on. The next couple miles proved even harder for us as we slowed down even more...
Mile 7: 8:53
Mile 8: 8:53
Mile 9: 9:32
*We stopped to get water at this mile marker so thats the reason its so slow, but we made up for it at the next mile.. too bad we couldn't finish that strong!
Mile 10: 8:06
Mile 11: 9:33
*This was one of the longest miles I've ever run, again, we were just holding on... couldn't wait for the finish line!
Mile 12: 9:04
Mile 13.1: 9:20
A couple of my friends saw me at the finish line and said it looked like I was almost crying! I ended up finishing in a faster time then last year. But not by much.
1477 270/1088 F1929 1:54:07 8:43 Liz
I think I ran last year in 1:54:45. Certainly wasn't able to break my goal of running under 1:50. Maybe next year! But I do know FOR SURE that I can't start off that fast!!! eeek! The race was also REALLY hot. I'm not used to running that kind of weather. It was still pretty fun though and we got medals!! You know I love medals!
And here we are after the race!
When I got home, I made Dave and myself an omlet with cheese, spinach, prosciotto and guacomole with some toast. Totally hit the after race hunger!
Then I napped for a few hours, and when I woke up, it was raining and HAILING! I've never seen hail, it was insane. Check out some of these pictures!

After the rain stopped, Dave and I cooked some pizza. Dave was the pizza man and he stretched out the pizza dough. Here he is in action:
And before it's cooked:
Chicken Sausage, Spinach, Cheddar, Mozzerela, Zuchini, Tomato Sauce and Proscuitto. Delic!

And my slice with some salad:
Now off to do something fun before bed!! We may go play some bball or tetris on the Wii. Night everyone!
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